This is one seriously pissed-off toaster. (Taken with Instagram)
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This is one seriously pissed-off toaster. (Taken with Instagram)
Fredrik Hermansson. It’s a bummer he’s not with the band anymore. He’s amazing, and this song makes me float.
I so want to get on this bus. :)
This house is so freaking cool. I wouldn’t want to live there, on account of how freaking spooky it looks. But wow!
Johan Hallgren. It’s a bummer he’s not with the band anymore. He’s amazing, and this song makes me float.
Pain Of Salvation - Pluvius Aestivus (Live) [HD] (by PoSLive)
Some of you might remember me griping a couple years ago, when I got my Nook and B&N had just released the Nook Simple Touch soon after. Well, I just got a Nook Tablet for my birthday this summer, and NOW look what they’ve done! Eff you, B&N. Eff you. I hope you get Mufasa’d.
Crap. I think I just had a superhero-induced seizure. WHY DID I JUST SHARE THIS!?! TURN BACK NOW!!
Biggest dust bunny I’ve pulled out of a computer in a very long time. (Taken with Instagram)
So that’s why I always forget what I studied for the test when walking into class…Follow soremarkable for more!
There are far too many doorways in my house.
I’m no big fan of politicians, but now we have to hunt them? (Taken with Instagram)
Has no one ever noticed that Whoopi Goldberg doesn’t seem to look strange to us at all, even given her COMPLETE LACK OF EYEBROWS??
Saw this episode and practically died laughing every time Sheldon “smiled.”
My fingers smell like garlic bread. They shouldn’t smell like garlic bread, because I haven’t come into contact with garlic bread in days. Yet, my fingers smell like garlic bread, and I can’t figure out why…
I’ve actually done this as a kid. I’d put stuff on the floor (stepping stones) and run across them to the “gap” and jump into bed. It was awesome.
Now you know.
And knowing is half the battle.
Sure looks like a LOL(ing)cat to me. Probably looking at stupid humans on FailBlog.
Well, if she was going for the lip-skid-faceplant, she nailed it.
Who’s up for a chairspin???
The End
Shortest Disney movie ever.
I sometimes like to shut my eyes as tightly as possible, so I can see the colors and patterns. Like fractals on a computer, but more organic.
“It was a good car, but I really drove it into the ground.”
I was wide awake before I ate those 3 chocolate-covered espresso beans. Now I want to sleep. WTF is wrong with me??
I aim to finish this thing tonight. (Taken with Instagram)
I don’t get bored. I just do weird crap. :)
This. Is. Too. Effing. Impressive.
Flaptastic (adj) - something so awesome it makes you flap.
Usage: “Oh man, that tv show is totally flaptastic!”
Awesome. I actually use this word. Glad to see I’m not the only one. :)
DJ BeerCozie’s RainyDay Mix 9/4/12 from wokndead on 8tracks Radio.
Holy… What the— I’m totally creeped out now. I do NOT want to be this photographer… @_@