Take THAT, Oprah.
via Tumblr http://meshboats.tumblr.com/post/46796860121
It should say “EYE contact” but this is my life.
When I was a kid, this is exactly what I thought a pool table would be, until I finally saw one.
I don’t know why, but I am extremely mesmerized by this…
Added to mine, too. :)
Just uploaded Full Metal Monday: InstruMETAL! (3-25-2013) to Mixcloud. Listen now!
I love Text From Dog, and this is really a great little “compilation.”
That Obnoxious Tag …
“Are you hurt?”
“Just my pride.”
I’m sorry, but this is the kind of sh!t that really pisses me right f*ck off. Really, Oprah? A growing epidemic?? Autism isn’t a DISEASE. Disorder, maybe. Difference, definitely. But NOT a disease. And you can’t CURE it. It’s not a virus, bacteria, or cancer. This is exactly the kind of crap I expect to hear from Autism Speaks, whose belief that autism is some sort of epidemic that needs to be somehow “stamped out” frankly sickens me. It’s not a friggin’ plague, people, it’s a difference in brain wiring! Yes, some have it worse than others, and it can most certainly be a challenge, but that does NOT make it something to try and CURE. Cure AIDS. Cure cancer. People DIE from that sh!t. No one dies from a bad case of autism! In fact, some don’t even want to think about what it must be like to NOT be autistic. Some of these NT’s (NeuroTypicals, meaning people who have no neurological “differences”) really need to get over themselves and realize that those of us who are atypical aren’t necessarily AFFLICTED. It is what it is, and we are who we are. Some struggle more than others, and some (like myself) end up doing alright. No one’s trying to cure ADD or learning/processing disorders or sensory defensiveness, etc. They are only trying to maybe treat some of the more bothersome symptoms, or simply work around it, so they can get along in a world built by/for NT’s. They just want to be treated the same. INCLUSION. Not tolerance. Acceptance. Same goes for autistics. People just don’t get it, and that’s what gets me fired up. I haven’t even watched the video, and I’m not going to, because that’s just feeding into it. And I’m appalled that the Autism Awareness page even posted it. I could go on about this, but I’ve probably said enough. For now. Just don’t get me started again, Oprah. *facepalm*
I’m just glad it wasn’t the girl on the far left who let go. She would’ve kicked BOTH of them!
Just uploaded Full Metal Monday 3-18-2013 to Mixcloud. Listen now!
It’s scary, not for the Ring reference, but because that has got to be the fastest-moving sloth ever.
social skills comics 2
OMG this is ME! I do it at the movie theater almost EVERY TIME!
“You’re all set, enjoy the movie.”
“Thanks, you too!” (crap, I did it again.)
omfg this cat is communicating.
omg my heart just broke in 10 tiny pieces
Oh my goodness!!!
OMG So fah-riggin’ adorable!! Looks like one of my cats, too!
“Human! Look! I need petting! LOOK! PET ME!”
I’ve never seen a thing that needed to be transparent more than this.
Not mine.
There are days I actually feel like this.
this is relevant to everything in my life
“What if he makes it?”
“No one’s ever made their first jump.”
“I know.”
“But what if he does?”
“He won’t.”
These people, once again, do nothing but amaze me with their pure, raw talent. Lindsey Stirling and Kevin Olusula complement each other superbly on strings, Scott and Mitch never over-sing on this track, Kirsten shines nicely in her held note, Avi’s bass is incredible, and back to Kevin, who’s percussion is just insane. I simply can’t get enough of PTX!!
[Official Video] Radioactive - Pentatonix & Lindsey Stirling (Imagine Dragons cover) (by PTXofficial)
Happy Potter, the boy who laughed
Happy Potter and the Smiling Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Smiles
Happy Potter and the Comedian of Azkaban
Happy Potter and the Goblet of Giggles
Happy Potter and the Order of Puppies
Happy Potter and the Happy Bubbly Prince
Harry Potter and the Lively Hallows.
Join Happy Potter,
Hermione Giggler, and
Ron Wheezing,
in a hilarious adventure to make the Dark Lord laugh.Lord Loldemort is depressed and angry because he isn’t like Happy Potter or Albust Out Laughing Dumbledore. He is joined by a band of equally depressed Laugh Eaters, like Belowtricks LeStrange, and Losinit Malfoy.
Happy must go through many jokes and playful riddles, facing Severe Huss Snape, finding Loldemort’s mysterious Whorecruxes… Which are the only thing that can make him laugh.
Happy is joined by his ragtag team of ex-clowns, Siriusly Black, Remus Laughing, Tinks, The Wheezings, Mad-Eye Not-Moody, Kingsley Cacklebolt, and many others. Together they can save the Wizarding world from sure peril.
dead ^
omg. this whole post is amazing
How I feel about most pop music.
Does this cheese look “funny” to you?
This will never not be funny to me.
I seriously just choked on a Thin Mint watching this.
i shouldn’t have laughed as much as i did