Wow, an actual book in my hand. Book. Without the preceding “E." It’s on.
( Also known as a paper brick.)
via Tumblr
Wow, an actual book in my hand. Book. Without the preceding “E." It’s on.
( Also known as a paper brick.)
This might be the greatest invention this generation will see.
"Will not splatter fly"
Are you effing kidding me!? Do you SEE the picture of that fly?? What do you call that??
Gamers and music fanatics… please tell me I’m not the only one noticing that, when a company puts out a Game Of The Year Edition, that those initials spell GOTYE…? He didn’t have to stoop so low.
"…what just happened to me? Where’s my landing surface??"
There was a man who entered a local paper’s pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
Walk into room, see this. What do?
What do?? Do pee self. That’s what do.
The reason I haven’t picked back up on:
Brutal Legend
Dragon’s Dogma
Dragon Age: Origins
I find it kinda creepy when I’m scrolling through Tumblr, while listening to one of my Spotify playlists, and I come across my post about said playlist… and it’s actually playing on Tumblr!! And I can hit “pause" on the Tumblr post and my friggin’ music stops!! It’s like Tumblr is saying, “I know. I know what you are doing. You’re never alone." OMG Tumblr is stalking me on Spotify!!
The End.
Thank you for asking. Actually, for me, it’s really the combination of the lights (more the intensity of the lights, rather than just too much visual input), the people everywhere (all seemingly going in the WRONG direction), and the noise. Those things together create a worse noise in my brain, and it feels like that video sounds, if that makes any sense. It’s definitely more bearable when the stores are near empty. I’ve gone to Walmart later at night, and it is better. I like when I can just walk in, go straight to what I want, and get out. If there are people all over the place, I get agitated and edgy. Besides that, our closest Walmart is far enough away that I don’t usually feel like making the drive at 9 or 10 at night.
Once I went grocery shopping on a different evening than my usual Sunday, and there were some people there with their kids. Fine, whatever, no big deal. I have kids of my own. I just don’t take them shopping with me. Well, at one point I was heading down an aisle and had stopped to look for something. This kid came (seemingly) out of nowhere and yelled across to the next aisle to his parent. I just about jumped out of my skin! I left the aisle and went back later. Here’s more on that story:
Stop & Shop… & Run Away
Given my problems with shopping and people, it’s amazing that I can be in a band and play gigs and such. But in those cases I think it’s the music that centers me. I love music. The “noise" is more organized, so I’m fine with it. I don’t mind loud music, but I hate loud noises and voices.
Sometimes my wife and I will have a group of friends over, and the talking will get too loud for me at times. I can bear it for a little while, but then I need to disappear and collect myself. I’ll take the opportunity to go to the bathroom or just sit in my bedroom for a minute and stim, and that’s usually enough for me to be able to rejoin the gathering. And there’s always the Cube. My puzzle cubes always chill me out, those wonderful meditative things. Anyway, suddenly this reply has become more of a post. I hope you don’t mind that I published it. You’ve brought out some interesting thoughts. So, again, thank you for asking.
It was difficult for me to keep watching after this episode. :( *sniff*
Good thing it’s still a good series.
Hah! I officially hate this thing. #puttingitawaynow
Forgot to show off my Father’s Day gift from Wifey. A Sheldon bobble head! :) w00t!
I’d much rather spend my day drinking tea, reading and cubing. Alas, there’s much work to do here at the office.
Colorless, Uneven Sized Rubik’s Cube
I have one of these, and I love it. Solves the same as a normal 3x3x3, but you need to adjust your perception to see shapes/sizes instead of colors. I only wish it was built more solidly. They can break easily. :/
The Seraphim configuration
What it’s like to walk down a street when you have autism or an ASD (by weaveintothewin2) (WATCH BOTH VIDEOS WITH HEADPHONES ON!)
Oh. Em. Gee. This. This is exactly what it’s like. It’s why I wear dark sunglasses any time I walk outside, even if it’s raining, and sometimes want to keep them on when I walk into a building (and if I don’t, I’m squinting like a blind man.) It’s why I hate cities (I live in a quiet, woodsy area.) All of this… with the exception of the brightness… it’s bearable on a good day, but I notice it all, without being able to pinpoint any particular thing, and it can make it difficult to concentrate on anything. And then there’s this:
This is almost exactly how I feel going into Walmart or other busy stores at times. It’s simply too much!! I hide my anxiety really well, but I’ve told people (and they think I’m joking) that going to Walmart literally makes me want to punch someone. The visual processing issues don’t apply to me, but the noise… oh gawd the noise! The first time I watched the video I followed the instructions (as I hope you did) and I sat there nearly in tears because of how overwhelming it was. My heart raced, I got hot flashes… my anxiety level escalated just by watching that video!
I decided, at that point, that I had to post these two vids here, because I think more people need to see/hear/experience these things for themselves. Then maybe they won’t think it so strange that I wear sunglasses 75% of the time. Then maybe they’ll understand why I dislike shopping at malls, and why it makes me feel so tired. The internal meltdown this sensory overload causes (I am able to internalize the majority of my meltdowns so I don’t flip out) literally drains me. I feel tired. I get cranky. Even my shoulders and neck start to feel sore for seemingly no reason. There was a time when I didn’t mind shopping so much with friends, but I always felt the same afterwards; the fatigue, the soreness. And the older I get, the worse it gets, and I now try to avoid shopping in busy stores altogether, if I can help it. If I do have to go grocery shopping, I try to go on a Sunday, an hour before closing, so it won’t be busy.
I know I’ve said previously that I’m a “proud aspie,” but that doesn’t mean it’s all good. These are some of the things that make it difficult to be like this. I’m glad someone decided to make videos attempting to depict just what life can be like from inside the head of an autistic/aspie. For the most part, I like how my mind works, but I don’t always like what my mind does. Seemingly normal and banal things can be very unpleasant. Sounds that most people would find unnoticeable can be downright unbearable to someone on the autistic spectrum, and these videos bring some of that to the forefront. I’m glad they exist.
Today I dove back into solving my 3x3x5 puzzle cube, which I had almost forgotten about. I forgot how much I love this thing! It’s such a great and interesting puzzle. It was my favorite cube before I got my 4x4x4, and now I think it’s my favorite again. It’s also making me really want a 5x5x5. Perhaps I’ll buy one this summer.
I still have yet to solve my octahedron. It’s frustrating, not as a puzzle, but as an object. What I mean by this is that sometimes it’s such a pain to twist a side (if they’re not all perfectly aligned) that I’ll get partway into figuring out an algorithm, then have so much trouble mid-twist that I’ll forget what I was doing. So I put that on the shelf for now.
I’m certainly no speedcubing master, but I really enjoy solving them, and I’ve gotten as fast as 55 seconds on the 3x3x3. Nowhere close to being a world record, but I still feel good about it. I can do about 5-8 minutes on the 4x4x4, and I’ve never timed myself on the 3x3x5. The mirror cube is one I’ll never time myself on, because it’s the same as a 3x3x3, but a bit more fragile in construction. It’s already broken once, and I was able to glue the piece back on and make it usable again.
Obviously I love my cubes. I’m a cube-o-holic. I almost always have a cube (or two) on me. As an aspie, thus someone on the autism spectrum, I find that cubes are a very calming thing for me. I adore (read “obsess over”) puzzles, and the cube is a puzzle I can take with me everywhere. It helps me in social situations at times, because I can just start twisting the cube and brings me a bit of Zen. Yes, solving the cubes is a bit meditative. If I’m stressed, cubing can help me center myself.
But I digress. This post wasn’t supposed to be about me as an aspie. Train of thought derailed. I really just wanted to express my happiness (or geekiness) about having rekindled my relationship with my 3x3x5 cube. Sounds silly, I know, but truth be told. I’ve solved the thing 3 times today. The first time I had to refer back to my notes, because I had forgotten what to do at one point. Good thing I tend to take notes as I go, as I have a horrible memory for things I don’t keep up on. I haven’t solved this thing in months. But the fact remains, I loved every second. I paced my office at work, waiting for updates to run on new PCs I’m setting up, and twisted away.
Now, this post is already much longer than I had planned it to be, and I’m not great at ending long posts where I don’t have a specific plan for what I want to say. So I’ll just end with this: I’m gonna go solve it again. ^_^
OMG I did this and spent a full ten minutes being happy! Thanks so much! Now I need to get back to work. LOL
Why is there no Rubik’s Cube (or any puzzle cube) fandom?? Would I seriously be the only one?? This saddens me… -_-
*picks up cube*
“Oh, this’ll be easy! I’m a Master at this *snap* SONOFA— *snap* WHAT THE— *snap* DAMMIT!!”
Floryann-K. (via floryann-k)
Yeah OMG I will get so attached to ONE SONG that I’ll literally listen to it nonstop for AT LEAST a month. I’m so glad I don’t often have passengers in my car…
Also, the only reason I stopped watching Cowboy Bebop is because I have to return the DVD to its owner. ;)
I like a lot of things, yet I don’t feel I belong to any fandom. I’m fandom-less. There are most certainly things I passionately geek about, yet I don’t have a fandom. Does this make me an oddball on Tumblr??
Worst effing hinge design ever. More moving parts equals more broken parts. And EVERY CABINET IN MY KITCHEN has at least two of these. The inventor of this hinge needs to be hurt. A lot. What happened to simplicity? It’s a friggin’ HINGE!
I’ll come back for you i whisper as i caress the books i can’t afford
My life. Also applies to games.
How to Eat Food (a few more here)
the dorito rule applies to triscuits too
someone didn’t think this through.Laughed for like 3 days.
You can see the exact moment where it realizes its mistake.
Cats… Just doing cat things.
Hahaha I love cats.
life without a working pair of earphones is no life at all