Holycrap, this tune is great! Never heard of this band, but I’m loving the name. :)
via Tumblr http://meshboats.tumblr.com/post/56901669499
Holycrap, this tune is great! Never heard of this band, but I’m loving the name. :)
What…? How…? This m is broken. Sorry, not eating you.
FLYING SHOTGUN: Dan McManus, who suffers from anxiety, and his service dog, Shadow, flew in a hang glider near Salt Lake City, Utah, Monday. The two have been flying together for about nine years. (Jim Urquhart/Reuters)
This is pretty awesome but…
Dan: I’m scared sh!tless right now. But this is great, eh, Shadow?
Shadow: Don’t you dare drop me.
First Pic: The sign my kids need, because they never seem to know how to close a door.
Second Pic: How I feel every time my kids fail to close a door.
An the cats are like, “WTF… We’ve been robbed!!"
I want to just start a post with “READ MORE" so people would click on the “READ MORE" and it would only lead to another “READ MORE" which would lead to yet another “READ MORE" because I really think people should just “READ MORE."
100% ART
i hate everything.
It’s so beautiful, it makes me angry
This was in the ceiling at work.
How to guarantee that I will call in sick for at least a month.
Damn you, Rainbow Road!! This is me EVERY time my son and I play Mario Kart.
Tea and steak. Steak and tea. Tea steak. sTEAk. Well, that settles it. You simply can’t have steak without tea.
I’m sorry, but whoever was in charge of casting 99% of Kubrick’s version of “The Shining" was an effing moron. I mean REALLY?? Shelley Duvall?!?! When I read the book, I did NOT picture Shelley-frikkin’-Duvall. Given the literary description, I pictured someone… you know… attractive. Not Olive Oyl.
A cracked-out-looking Olive Oyl.
OMG My favorite kind of ice cream EVER! I want it NOW!!!
Chocolate signal’s great in my office.
I was gaping the entire song this is insane
If I had a dollar for every time a musician made me feel like I’ve done nothing with my life, I’d be filthy, FILTHY rich.
So I’m reading “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy" for the first time now, and I’ve never seen the old TV show or the more recent movie, or even played the computer game. So I’m reading along, being amused, as I should be, and I had a thought. Really, it was less of a thought, and more of a mental occurrence leading up to a thought. Sometimes when I’m reading I try to imagine what actor would best play certain roles. I Just finished reading Peter Straub’s “Shadowland" and really thought one of the characters would be played quite well by Morgan Freeman. (Granted, I could say that about many characters in books I’ve read, because he’s just that good, but there you have it. At least I wasn’t mentally reading the book in his voice. You know it’s happened to you. Or maybe it’s just me. Anyway!)
So this doesn’t happen to me with all characters in a book. Just certain ones. The ones that stand out for me. It’s not always the main character (in fact, it frequently isn’t.) But sometimes I’ll read along and suddenly it’ll hit me like, “Hey! This character needs to be so-&-so!" And just like that, the rest of the story puts that person in that role for me. (I have a point, I really do.)
So here I am today, reading myself silly (literally, at times) when it hits me. “Hey! Arthur Dent really needs to be…" and then I blanked on the name. I knew exactly who I was thinking about. I could picture the face. The accent. The mannerisms. The name just kept escaping me, as names frequently do. Then it hit me! Again! I knew who it was, and he was perfect! Now let’s go back to where I said I had never seen the TV shows, movie, etc. I remembered they had made a flick back in 2005 or so, and I suddenly wondered who actually had played the role of Arthur Dent. I love you, YouTube. You’re full of crap, but you’ve got some true gems at times. Just like some fast food joints. But I digress.
I checked out a trailer for the movie. You can only imagine my complete and utter shock to find that the man cast as Arthur Dent was none other than Martin Freeman, the actor who plays Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit movies. The same who was in “Sherlock" as Dr. Watson. The very same— well you get my point. Or maybe you don’t, but here it is. As I was reading the book it occurred to me that Martin-flippin’-Freeman would have been perfect for that role! I just about spat out my tea when I saw that trailer, and Martin-flippin’-Freeman as Arthur-flippin’-Dent! In my head, within the first few chapters of this story I had basically cast the starring role for the movie without realizing it.
Now I know I could’ve just summed up this whole story by just saying, “Imagine my surprise when I realized that, while reading ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,’ I accidentally cast Martin Freeman (who actually played Arthur Dent in the movie) as Arthur Dent in my mind, without having ever seen the movie." But then what fun would that have been? ;)
Thanks for coming along for the ride.
Turn. It. Up.
"Full Metal Monday (7/1/2013)"